Do you know what it’s like to watch your family starve?
I do.
My name is Hani Almadhoun, and I've seen firsthand what it's like for family and friends in Gaza to suffer from hunger due to the blockade. This personal experience opened my eyes to the dire situation we face every day. It's why we couldn't stay idle. The pain of watching loved ones struggle to find their next meal became the driving force behind our mission.

Our goal is clear: to ensure no one in our community goes to bed hungry. This is more than just an initiative, it's a personal vow.

Hani Almadhoun
Establishment of the Soup Kitchen

Gaza Soup Kitchen Service Areas


We are proud to serve the resilient communities of Gaza through our network of kitchens, providing daily hot meals and clean drinking water to those in need. Each kitchen is strategically located to reach as many families as possible, ensuring access to essential nourishment and support. Our work goes beyond food—we’re here to uplift, care, and stand in solidarity with every family we serve. Each meal represents our commitment to dignity, hope, and the enduring spirit of the Palestinian people.

In response to the crisis, my brother Mahmoud and his friends took a bold step; they started a soup kitchen in Bait Lahia. With just four large pots, some wood for fire, and essential ingredients, they began preparing hot meals for our neighbors. That first day, we fed 120 families. It was a modest beginning, but it marked the start of something incredible. Despite the challenges, including the risks of gathering ingredients, our commitment didn’t waver. This kitchen became our community’s beacon of hope.


OUR Expansion and Live Saving Impact

Word spread rapidly, and the next day, even more neighbors arrived. Mahmoud sprang into action, venturing out to procure ingredients for a fresh meal. He returned with leafy greens, onions, and mushrooms, crafting a new dish that was as delightful as it was nourishing. The kitchen’s capacity has now expanded to accommodate meals for up to 3000 people daily, and the numbers continue to grow. For many, this was their first substantial meal in days, and the departure from canned food was a welcomed change that filled hearts with gratitude.

You may wonder why these individuals can accomplish something that few have managed to do in the heart of starvation in Gaza. That would be a fair question.

  • First, Bait Lahia has some farms where veggies and wild greens are now in season.
  • We made sure they had the money to purchase these hard-to-find items.
  • Additionally, they are located in the heart of the market, so they can easily spot any of these veggies and cooking essentials arriving at the market.
  • They have also visited farms close to the Green Line to find veggies and have been lucky a few times. Once, they purchased overgrown zucchinis that should have been picked weeks ago.
  • Mom and my sisters lovingly wake up early to peel and prep the food for the day’s meals.



Your assistance can help us bring sustenance to an area with minimal aid, where children face the harsh reality of starvation. This personal initiative, coordinated with our family in North Gaza, ensures transparency. Your contribution, starting at five dollars, can provide a hot meal to desperate families enduring challenging conditions, intentionally isolated from the rest of the world.

Your $5, $10, $50 will go a long way with this initiative. We also need you to pray for their safety as they do this heroic work.

Your contribution, starting at five dollars, can provide a hot meal to desperate families enduring challenging conditions, intentionally isolated from the rest of the world